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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Malayalee gets US patent for his unique invention to generate electricity


Thiruvananthapuram: M.C. David, a 57-year-old amateur magician from Kerala, has secured a US patent for an invention that generates electricity 'anywhere, anytime'.
The invention relates to generation of electricity from gravitational energy.
An iron pipe, filled with water, is placed vertically and hollow balls made of concrete or wood are driven into the pipe from below. As each ball rises due to buoyancy and is forced out of the pipe, it falls on to a moving platform which is connected to a wheel. The wheel is connected to a generator and electricity is generated, David said.
David sums up his invention as one that can generate 'energy anywhere anytime' in every household.

The principle of buoyancy is used to raise the solid objects to the desired height prior to letting them fall on to the platform.
In the copy of the patent granted by the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, it states the requirements of law have been compiled with and it has been determined that a patent on the invention shall be granted under the law.
After close to two decades working in Qatar and Bahrain as a quantity surveyor/ estimator with leading companies, David returned for good to his home in Kayamkulam, about 100 km from the state capital, three months back.
Since then, he has been trying out experiments on his novel project.
'After my wife died a decade back, I did not think of anything else...and only this project was in my mind. In 2008, I applied for Indian patent but am yet to hear from them. I got the US patent last month,' David said.
He tried this successfully on a model and is now trying it out on a much bigger scale.
'The new prototype has been prepared using the services of a blacksmith and would be ready shortly,' he said.
'From what I have calculated any household can erect this at a cost of just Rs.2 lakh and can meet their electricity demands. The biggest advantage is that this is totally pollution-free and very cheap,' David said.
David said his invention is based on continuously converting the potential gravitational energy of falling solid objects on a moving platform to electrical energy.
Read original article here 
complete description here


  1. Never possible . Because at the Ball pushing point pressure will be more than the pressure created by the fall of Ball.

  2. this is a perpetual motion machine of the first kind. patent will not be granted.

  3. It is not perpetual motion machine

    "Why is this not a perpetual motion device? Because it requires an external power source to start it off and as such falls foul of the First Law of Thermal Dynamics. After start up any machine so equipped can and do run off their own internally generated energy. "

    courtesy:Derek Foxcroft

    1. Nothing that defies the First AND Second Laws of Thermodynamics will work! Patent offices are full to the brim with hare-brained 'inventions'. Grant of patent does not guarantee the technical soundness of the 'invention'. It only acknowledges that the idea is non-trivial and innovative, however hare-brained it is. It is not the business of the Patent Office to test ideas against scientific priciples!

  4. Dear sir, this is the Description of PERPETUAL MOTION , please see if you are perfect when you are saying or comparing any Innovation
    Know before & express your feelings about any Innovation. please understand all laws are man made and any law can be corrected or improved or altered.

    Kindly understand any Innovator is doing some good and this is for all Man Kind please support or explain to make a better way but never talk in Negative
    with regards

    A perpetual motion machine would result in no net disorder, which has never happened in 13.75 billion years.
    Not a fan of history dictating future, that's fine, how are you going to get past conservation of energy?
    Because creating a true perpetual motion machine may require us to reevaluate the fundamental laws of physics on a cosmological scale,
    I would rank perpetual motion machines as a Class III impossibility; that is, either they are truly impossible, or we would need to fundamentally change our understanding of fundamental physics on a cosmological scale in order to make such a machine possible.

    There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine.

    There are many devices that can run for long periods of time without an input of force but they will slow and stop eventually due to friction and other factors.

    These are sometimes called "perpetual motion machines" but they are in fact not.
    A perpetual motion machine would lack entropy which is impossible.

    A perpetual motion machine is not using up energy in an irreversible manner.

    This is from Wikipedia and should help clear things up for you:

    "The term perpetual motion, taken literally, refers to movement that goes on forever. However, the term more generally refers to any closed system that produces more energy than it consumes.
    Such a device or system would be in violation of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can never be created or destroyed.
    The most conventional type of perpetual motion machine is a mechanical system which (supposedly) sustains motion despite losing energy to friction and air resistance, or while avoiding losing energy to friction and air resistance.
    According to the law of conservation of energy, such a device cannot exist."

    Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM) of the First Kind (PMM1) would be one to violate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, to permanently produce useful energy (work) without any energy source, or to produce more 'energy' than consumed (thus generate energy from nowhere); and Perpetual Motion Machine of the Second Kind (PMM2) would be one to violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, to permanently produce useful energy (work) from a single reservoir in equilibrium only, or to produce more 'useful energy' than consumed, i.e., to has higher efficiency than the ideal Carnot cycle (thus generate useful-energy/non-equilibrium from nowhere and destroy entropy). The name, "perpetual motion (PM)" is somewhat misleading, since everything in Nature is in perpetual motion, but PM machine (PMM) means a machine (engine) producing a useful energy (work), i.e., moving under load (extracting work, load important). A friction-less pendulum or wheel (or electrons around a nucleus or planets) will permanently move but without extracting (producing) work, thus NOT violating any Law and not being PMM. Of course, neither PMM1 nor PMM2 are possible (will violate conservational- and forced-transformational existence, respectively) , although we may be mislead to believe so due to lack of our proper and full observation and/or comprehension of coupled energy transfers and conversions from the surroundings and/or within interacting system(s).

  5. To 'scoop' the useful-energy (for use or storage) require forcing by transferring the useful-energy from elsewhere or even more since in part it will be dissipated (converted) into thermal energy with generation of entropy. It cannot be 'scooped' from within an equilibrium alone nor obtained more than transferred, thus resulting in impossible entropy destruction (i.e., a wishful process without due forcing). * The 2nd Law defines forced directional displacement of useful/available mass-energy transfer in time, thus all processes, from higher to lower energy density/potential, due to its non-equilibrium (non-uniformity) in space, towards equilibrium (force-flux cause-and-effect phenomena), while part of the energy (up to the whole) is irreversibly converted to thermal energy (dissipated via heat) and thereby generated entropy, equal to the generated thermal energy per absolute temperature. The process cannot proceed spontaneously in opposite direction against the forcing and thus create non-equilibrium and destroy entropy, however the non-equilibrium (useful energy or work potential which is cause of process forcing) could be re-arranged/transferred and in limit conserved (in reversible processes, including forcing advantage potential). The original Clausius and Kelvin-Plank statements are the special cases related to the thermo-mechanical energy conversions. Due to reversible equivalency of all types of (coupled) energy conversions, all different statements of the Second Law (2nd Law) are equivalent...also...and. There is 'energy' (or 'mass-energy' as the building block of all existence) which is conserved while transferred during forced interactive displacement (subject of the First Law of Thermodynamics: energy cannot be destroyed nor generated from nowhere; and, there is 'useful energy' or 'work potential' as measure of non-equilibrium (an autonomous concept) which is the cause-end-effect of forcing energy transfer (all processes) from higher to lower energy density/potential (subject of the Second Law of Thermodynamics: non-equilibrium is irreversibly dissipated/lost in time towards equilibrium and cannot be generated from nowhere, i.e., the useful work potential is irreversibly converted to heat, and thus entropy is always generated, only in limit it may be conserved but cannot be destroyed, the latter not to be confused with local entropy decrease on the expense of increase elsewhere). During forced energy transfer a part (and ultimately all) of the useful energy is dissipated (irreversibly converted to thermal energy with the corresponding entropy generation), but in limit, the non-equilibrium (work potential) may be conserved during reversible processes, including localized increase of energy potential on the expense of decrease elsewhere (forcing advantage). See also Perpetual Motion Machines. ►There is no such thing as a unidirectional force or a force that acts on one body only (no imaginary boundary vector-forces). Put it very simply: a forcing (force-flux cause-and-effect phenomena) acts between an interface of pair of objects (forced interaction: action-reaction, including process-inertial forces), and not on a single object. The Newton Laws and the Laws of Thermodynamics imply that all forces are mass-energy interactions (forced displacements with momentum and energy transfer and conservation) between different particulate bodies due to non-equilibrium (available energy or work potential, cause of forcing) towards the equilibrium. ►Mass-energy is directionally displaced/transferred from its higher to lower density/potential while conserved in time due to forced displacement caused by its non-equilibrium (non-uniform) distribution in space, in an irreversible process approaching equilibrium until its distribution equalize in all directions (equi-partition of mass-energy).

  6. The gravitational energy retrieved during the ball's fall would not provide the energy needed to force the ball back into the water column against the water pressure.
    Simple as that-no need for long-winded explanations. Don't get tied up in your words, my friends.
    Philbee, England.

  7. Well ... The inventor is a magician !!!

  8. Interesting innovation. It is amazing that it has been granted a US patent.
